It might seem like newly constructed homes don’t need an inspection, because…well they’re brand new. But new homes still come with their fair share of defects.

Home inspectors will find issues. It’s what they’re paid to do. Some being issues like:

  • The insulation was poorly installed leaving low coverage areas that make a home less efficient.
  • The flue vent pipe was missing/not installed. This will cause build of carbon dioxide and monoxide in the room. This can be deadly.

Another important reason for hiring a home inspector, the builder will pay extra close attention to their work. They’ve got a job to do and if someone will be combing over it with a fine tooth, they’ll do their job well.

A HUGE tip, do a phased inspection. Phased inspections are stages of inspections in which an inspector will evaluate the home before the foundation is poured, before drywall is installed, and then when the house is complete. This will help ensure issues will be found and fixed early on because it cost even more money to repair.

Needless to say, it’s always smart to jump on the board of inspecting newly constructed home.

